Just Blue | October, 2021
Just Blue | October, 2021
Just Green | October, 2021
Just Green | October, 2021
Just Red | October, 2021
Just Red | October, 2021
The "Just" is a commemorative piece in which the holder can choose to stay with it or exchange for any of the arts minted by me, over the next 12 (twelve) months, provided they are available at the time of exchange.
During this period, 7 (seven) "JUST" will be minted monthly, 1 (one) "JUST" RED, 2 (two) "JUST" GREEN and 4 (four) "JUST" BLUE, making a total of 84 (eighty-four) “JUST” coined, being, 12 (twelve) “JUST” RED, 24 (twenty-four) “JUST” GREEN and 48 (forty-eight) “JUST” BLUE.
The “JUST” BLUE gives the option to exchange for a piece of work above 10 editions; The “JUST” GREEN gives the option to exchange for a piece of work between 5 to 10 editions; The “JUST” RED gives the option to request an exclusive 1/1 art, custom made for the collector;​​​​​​​
Combinations: 2 (two) “JUST” BLUE can be exchanged for 1 (one) “JUST” GREEN; 4 (four) “JUST” BLUE or 2 (two) “JUST” GREEN can be exchanged for 1 (one) “JUST” RED;
For each new piece minted between 5 (five) and 10 (ten) editions, one edition will be reserved to be replaced by “JUST”; For each new piece minted above 10 (ten) editions, 2 editions will be reserved for exchange for “JUST”;
The “JUST” exchanged in combination for other “JUST” will be put back for sale. Already the "JUST" exchanged for other arts will be burned, making them deflationary;
NFT for sale on hic et nunc